Two new engineers at the Polymer Research Laboratory

Two new engineers at the Polymer Research Laboratory

We are pleased to announce that Aleksandra Janićijević and Nikola Pavlović successfully defended their bachelor thesis and thus gained the title Engineer of Chemical Technology.

They carried out their research at the Polymer Research Laboratory and they opened two very interesting topics.

Subject of Aleksandra’s work was “Changing the mechanical properties of synthetic resorptive and non-resorptive surgical suture in simulated conditions of exposure”. This bachelor thesis was performed in cooperation with the Department of Textile Engineering and Dr. Mirjana Kostić.

Nikola Pavlović’s work “Synthesis of Chitosan and Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) Hydrogel Sensitive to Glucose” has attracted great attention from colleagues from other departments, since it deals with the major problem, and his research points to a good way to remedy it.

Polymer Research Laboratory wishes successful careers to Aleksandra and Nikola!